I love to host! I love having people over, even though it can overwhelm. Shopping, prepping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, serving, washing dishes (guests help) and post-clean up does suck. But I love a chill, de-commodified, festive party! My kids adore it too! Here are pictures of simple pleasures at home from
Milk (French kids rag I used to buy; great picture spreads but too many ads).
As my truest desire is a minimalist, zero-waste life, I refuse to value swank in dollars. True swank is imagination, ingenuity, and integrity, aka, sustainability. No matter how great a party, if I see disposables, my land-fill guilt goes up. I want to befriend individuals who 'live beneath their means.' ... but not through food from a box or big box retailer--that's poverty mentality. No--cook from scratch as best you can. That's swank!
I spy berry lemonade (?), flowers, fancy mini cakes, tacos, strawberries, and macarons... Those stripey straws are cute, but I prefer my stainless steel ones. |
Is this a paint-splattered bed spread? No matter--any thing in the home will do! Those bottles have reusable tops! |
I love this idea, too, but what challenges me is the time to prepare - so I decided for my son's bday to make it as simple as possible. it will be the first time I don't make all the food or make a homemade cake. I am going to try it out, but I love the values and aesthetic you are going for. It's very inspiring.