We can challenge ourselves to regularly...
* wait one more day/week/month before we make that so-called life-changing purchase
* clean for four minutes (using a timer). Especially when feeling "don't feel like it." Do it now.
* exercise for 2 to 5 minutes climbing the stairs or walking in place
* go another hour/day/week without screen distraction (tv, laptop, ipad, phone, etc.)
* do something we thought we wouldn't be able to do. Not for outcome per se, but just as a show of idealism and optimism
* think in terms of "we" instead of "I" -consciousness
Starting a minimalist, zero-waste and sustainable lifestyle
I challenge you (and myself) to draw from y/our reserves of psychological strength, spiritual optimism and fighting spirit. For earth, and the future of humanity, stop hoarding shit!
- use public transportation once a week (I live in L.A. I own a car. I got kids.)
- go out less. Stay home more.
- eat vegan more (going vegan can reduce a person's carbon footprint by 25%). Menu planning will save you money and help you reduce food waste.
- eat local food. Ride the bus/subway/bike to your local farmer's market with some reusable bags.
- unplug your television (This has been truly life changing for me, a huge tv addict).
- reduce your physical possessions and psychic attachment to crapitalist materialism. Be vigilant. Don't judge others. Look at your own crap first. If you have the patience, sell. If not, donate.
- wash your dishes as you go.
Get rid of, say hell no to
- the microwave, it's bad for you and really bad for kids. Look it up.
- duplicate cups, wine glasses and other knick-knacky bourgeois crap.
- all plastic containers. Replace it with a few simple glass and stainless steel basics.
- all paper-based products. Poor trees. Poor forests. Replace paper towels with microfiber ones, and use reusable cloth napkins.
- all but two vases.
- anything with a corporate logo.
- anything wannabe. anything 'celebrity' is déclassé.
- toys.
- cookbooks designed around sugar, wheat, beef. Non-foods that you know are no good.
- recyclables for one day cooking and sharing. Jars, bye bye.
- the trashcan itself. Start composting, stop shopping, and get your time and money back!
great list! will definitely try the four-minute cleaning. I'm tired of waking up to a messy kitchen!